Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Women Freedom and Brahmkshatriya Mentality

Yesterday it was "International Women's Day", people celebrated it with all sorta "joy" (yea it includes pun & sarcasm). Some statements on Facebook/Orkut make me think that being Indian do they really respect women????????

Talking about women freedom, I never had any problem such as being career oriented or selecting course of my choice etc, which gals of my age are generally just "dream". I knew at somewhat level why I have such privileges, but yesterday I got confirmation from my father himself. He'd written on his Facebook status, something like this:

"Proud to be from a community which has incomparable women freedom since last 200yrs +"
Now u'd think what so great in this status message..well it's these 3 words what makes this status message special, "incomparable women freedom"

People who know me well, know that I'm bold enough to make people discuss on just 1 matter ,i.e. "Dress code for Women/gals @ pilgrim places" for like days & even participating in that so aggressively that people literally asked me if that thing happened to me in real.

Well,that's what I am,or should I say a Brahmkshatriya lady. Yeah, my relatives would understand the meaning of this phrase.

First of all, what are the basic attributes of Brahmkshatriya...
A Brahmkshatriya is generally calm, witty, having large appetite(in short foodie), having good administrative sense, Brahmkshatriya men generally do just two things, earn money & give the responsibility of that earned money to the respective head lady of the house(yes we have "head lady”, not "head man"). About his social liability, first of all, he's generally the most confused person regarding all kinda relations, special blood relations, & becoz of that he can't take any major social decisions like what he is supposed to do at some social function like marriage. In my dad’s words, “ ame loko lagan prasange khali 2 kaam karie, khavanu khaie ane varghodo/procession ma aagal chalie” (translation: we do only 2 things during a wedding, eating and being in front row during procession)

Well, I said, we r generally calm, but this generally has a very big hidden meaning. We can get angry even on a very small matter, arre, we can even get angry when two totally unknown for us persons are fighting. That’s y we claim, Hanuman was Brahmkshatriya (LOL).

Now about Brahmkshatriya Lady…
Well, she is well-read, usually career oriented, habituated of freedom & that’s why can’t tolerate a guy having “Bossing” attitude or in simple words (people who know me) someone exactly like me.

That’s why I had that debate regarding dress code @ pilgrim places, even though I’ve never faced that problem (rem Hanuman thing??? :D)

Oops… In whole this loooooong writing, I forgot to tell u what is Brahmkshatriya? Who are we? Don’t worry, I won’t bore u with that today, I’ll tell that in my next post soon… till then…bbye… 


  1. As her father, I'd say all above is right, might be in sufficient. Many yrs ago, in Maratha rule days over gujarat,one of our ancester died young. Widowed lady kept chudies on her right arm & went to Rural's court demanding right to continue on post of her dead husband as Revenue collector. Her explaination about intact chudies on one hand was "I am married to country by right(Active) side" Rural gave her job telling "You are DESH chi AAI" which changed to Desai, our present surname.

    If one checks history of freedom struggle in Ahmedabad, one would find >40% from this community & BOTH SEXES.

  2. Interesting AK...it would be no wonder for me abt. that dress code debating issue as we can u'stand woman's point of view very well. Waiting for ur next post. ;)

  3. @AK

    ur post is rocking[just like u!]!

    wish people cld understand all!

  4. Hey Aakanksha...the post is simply awesome...!

    U are cute daughters, U are sweet sisters, U are lovely lovers, U are darling wives, U are adorable mothers, U are source of strength, U are WOMEN....!

    Thanks and Regards,
