Thursday, May 31, 2012

On birth of my most beloved "baby"

Few months back, I and my Husband had gone for a dinner, and from our usual discussion on various topics, our talk went to the food that night. While criticizing that we came to a point where we thought I can be a good food reviewer and thus we conceived an Idea, to start our own food reviewing website. A site where anyone can add review of the restaurant they like or dislike. We have to take care of this idea just like an unborn child.

As everyone knows, a child does not enter this world without mother going through labour pains. Same way we faced many problems attached with birth of this website. To start with, we could not finalized the “look” of the website, when we finalized the development took a lort of time. Ultimately just like a human baby, the website took whole 9 months to get ready and meet the world and face its part of challenges.
So, our most beloved baby, Daawat-e-khaas has come to this world, with its first official look. Though I guess I have to feed it very well to make it a healthy “cerelac” baby, I’m feeling extremely happy for its birth

And for you all, please check